Adrian Ropp
Underdog, Pink Panther, Archie
Underdog, Pink Panther, Archie
Herobear and the Kid, Disney Animation
Batman Beyond, The New Batman Adventures, Superman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series
Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, Pinky and the Brain
Pop Star Assassin, Revere and Archeon
Writer- Headlocked, WWE
Premeditated Myrtle, Star Crossed
Thundercats, Gargolyes
Avengers, Seven to Eternity, X-Force
Spider-Woman, Heart Eyes, X-Men Season One
Walking Dead, Fear Agent
Drink & Draw, Alice Ever After, An Unkindness of Ravens,
Cover Artist
G.I. Joe, Ghost Machine, Hulk, Green Lantern, Fantastic Four
Cover Artist, Trading Card Artist
Eisner Award Winning Artist. Comic Book Cover Artist
Cover Artist
Batman - Off-World, Detective Comics, Superman, Green Lantern
Star Wars, Marvel
Sports Paintings (KC Royals & KC Chiefs), Comic Book Paintings, School Visits
DiVinica, Rothic, DC, Dark Horse, Aspen, Marvel
Ancient Dreams, Davinica, Rothic Comics
Cover Artist
Moon Knight, Wolverine, Soul Saga
Superman/Batman, Deadpool, Hulk
Batman: Fortnite, Deadpool, Flash Gordon
Miles to Go, Endless Summer and Bloodland, LAST FLIGHT OUT OF WICHITA
Hit-Monkey, Storyboard Artist: Archer, The Vampire Diaries, Black Lightning
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers vs. Godzilla
Purgatory's Key, Star Trek: Waypoint
The Secret of NIMH, An American Tail, The Land Before Time, and Anastasia
Uncle $crooge, Donald Duck
Gotham City: Year One Batman Beyond, Shipwreck
Cover Artist – DC, Dynamite, Aspen, IDW
The Sixth Gun, Harrow County, BONE PARISH
Ninth Street Theatre Presents - Long Story Short, Funny You Should Ask!
Animorphs, Secrets of Camp Whatever, Time Shifters, Chickenhare
DC Bombshells
Robins, Unearth, Cover Artist
Strange Academy, The Me You Love In The Dark, Middlewest, Twig
Harley Quinn, Justice League of America, Wonder Woman
Harley Quinn, Painkiller Jane, Back to Brooklyn
Twig, Into Radness, and Unearth
Batman Beyond, Daredevil, Ant-Man, Cuidad/Extraction for Netflix
INKPULP LIVE, Batman, Spawn, X-Men
Fortnite, Tank Girl, Grrl Scouts
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Star Trek, Spell on Wheels
Iron Man: Tony Stark Declassified, Marvel: Declassified, Star Trek: The Next Generation novel