About the Show

Planet Comicon Kansas City is the largest comic book and pop culture convention not just in the Kansas City area, but within this entire region of the Midwest. At the core of Planet Comicon Kansas City is our commitment to provide a safe and welcoming venue where fans may enjoy their particular niche of fandom without judgment. Planet has always made it a priority to be inclusive. No matter what fandom you celebrate, everyone is welcome at our event.

It has a 26 year history, with the first Planet Comicon Kansas City being held in Overland Park, KS in March 1999. The 2025 show is our 26th Anniversary show and will be held at the Kansas City Convention Center in downtown Kansas City. We will be adding information as the show approaches to help you find out more about what is offered at Planet Comicon Kansas City.

March 21 – Fri: 1PM – 8PM, March 22 – Sat: 10AM – 7PM, March 23 – Sun: 10AM – 5PM

Yes. Some classes of admissions may be admitted ½ hour early on Friday and  Saturday. Currently this only applies to Fast Pass and VIP (David Tennant) admission holders.

Planet Comicon Kansas City will be held at Bartle Hall, which is part of the Kansas City Convention Center. Bartle Hall is located in downtown Kansas City at 301 West 13th Street, Kansas City, MO 64015.

The Kansas City Convention Center is dedicated to providing an accessible and enjoyable experience to all patrons including services for those who may need auditory, visual or mobility assistance. For full information regarding the center’s offerings, please visit their website by clicking here.

Unfortunately, without a VIP or Fast Pass admission we cannot allow priority access to signings at the convention. Guests sign for limited amounts of time and in order to be fair for all attendees, we cannot allow a fan to bypass any autographing lines.

We recommend arranging to have someone within your group wait in line for you. When your spot reaches the front of the line, you may re-join for your signing.

If you have any more questions, please reach out to questions@planetcomicon.com!

Planet Comicon Kansas City is owned and promoted by Planet Promotions, LLC.


On the home page please see the Purchase Tickets button.

To get the latest news about Planet Comicon Kansas City admissions; subscribe to our email updates.

Tickets will be available for sale during the convention.

Contact us at questions@planetcomicon.com where our staff will follow up with you on a first come first serve basis.

Box Office is located in Room 2104B, accessed through the north entrance Lobby 2100.

We suggest you bring cash if possible. Some exhibitors (including comic creators, crafters, and vendors) and media celebrities will accept only cash. Others will be able to accept credit and debit cards. If you run short on cash, ATMs will be available in the exhibit hall, mostly near the Celebrity Row toward the south end of the exhibit hall. Please keep in mind that there are limits on what can be withdrawn from an ATM. Generally, it is $200 per transaction.

You will be able to use debit/credit cards for some things, including admission, concessions, and many (but not all) vendors.

NOTE: Not all vendors including Food will take cash. Some will be CASHLESS. Please be prepared for both options.

When you purchase advance admission, you will receive a confirmation email that you use to access a QR code. Bring that QR code message (or a version that you have sent to your phone) to the Will Call desk where you will receive wristbands. The wristband is your credential for admission to Planet Comicon Kansas City. Once attached, it cannot be removed. If you have a weekend admission, the wristband must be worn all days. It cannot be removed and reattached. A wristband that has been removed is void and not valid for admission. The Will Call booths will be open during these hours (subject to change):

Please enter thru the 2200 Lobby Bartle Hall.

Show days – 2200 Lobby Bartle Hall – Will Call hours:

Friday March 21 – 11 am – 8 pm

Saturday March 22 – 8 am – 7 pm

Sunday March 23 – 8 am – 5 pm

We encourage you to pick up early at one of our off site locations on Thursday ONLY before the day you plan to attend at Bartle Hall to avoid the morning Will Call line on the day of the show you plan to attend. Once you have your wristband you can go directly to the credentialed line to enter the show.

4:00pm-7:00pm Reroll Tavern 2368 Armour Road Kansas City, MO 64116

11:00am-6:00pm Elite Comics 11842 Quivira Rd, Suite 1300, Overland Park, KS 66210

4:00pm-7:00pm 2200 Lobby Bartle Hall

The main Will Call booth will be located at the 2200 Lobby of Bartle Hall. This lobby is located at the entrance on the south side of 13th Street between Broadway and Central

We do have several lines for admissions and purchases: please review to determine which line you should be in before you arrive at the show.

Non Credentialed – you don’t have your credential wristbands.

Credentialed entry – you have your credential wristbands.

Box Office – Will be located at the Kansas City Convention Center in Lobby 2100. ROOM 2104B

Still not sure? Ask a crew member and they will help guide you to the proper line.

Non credentialed admissions – enter through center doors of Lobby 2200 and straight to Will Call  Note, during peak times lines will be organized on 13th street in front of the building. PCKC crew in safety vests will be there to direct you.

Non Credentialed Fast Pass holders and VIP : Enter Lobby 2200 and you will be directed to the Fast Pass/VIP booth.

Credentialed general attendee, Fast Pass, and VIP : enter the eastern doors of Lobby 2200, where you will be directed by PCKC crew for lining up

Credentialed Fast Pass: enter the eastern door of Lobby 2200, where PCKC crew  will direct you to your special queue in Lobby 2300.

Press/Media guests may enter eastern door of Lobby 2200 and proceed to 2213  just off the lobby, for your check in and credential pick up.


Yes, someone other than the person who made the purchase can pick up their wristbands. Just be sure they have your confirmation email (paper or a version that you have sent to their phone) when they come to the Will Call desk. The wristband is your credential for admission to Planet Comicon Kansas City. Once attached, it cannot be removed. If you have a weekend admission, the wristband must be worn all days. It cannot be removed and reattached. A wristband that has been removed is void and not valid for admission. Will Call hours are posted above.

Yes, you can split you order wristband pick up. Just be sure each person has the confirmation email (paper or a version that you have sent to your phone) when they come to the Will Call desk. The wristband is your credential for admission to Planet Comicon Kansas City. Once attached, it cannot be removed. If you have a weekend admission, the wristband must be worn all days. It cannot be removed and reattached. A wristband that has been removed is void and not valid for admission.

Please be prepared for waiting in lines outdoors. We will do our best to get people in quickly, however, lines can take up to an hour or more to get inside the exhibit hall and convention center.

Get your credentials (Will Call and Box Office) prior to the show opening each day:

  • Take advantage of Thursday’s extended Will Call hours to pick up your credentials early!
  • Will Call 2200 Lobby Bartle Hall will be open Friday March 21st – 8am – 8pm.
  • Show days March 21 – March 23 open 2 hours before show opens to show close.
  • Box Office in 2104B, off north Lobby 2100
  • Consider picking up your Saturday/Sunday credentials later in the day Friday or Saturday when lines are shorter, so you can go directly to the proper credentialed (general public or Fast Pass Pass) line on the day you attend the show

Yes. The wristband is your credential for admission to Planet Comicon Kansas City. Once attached, it cannot be removed. If you have a weekend admission, the wristband must be worn all days. It cannot be removed and reattached. A wristband that has been removed is void and not valid for admission. The wristbands are water resistant and stronger than they appear, strong enough for regular wear and tear over the course of three days.

All purchases for our March 21-23, 2025 show are non-refundable.

Yes, your admission credential (wristband) does allow for re-entry to the show on the days that the credential is valid. For example, if you have a Sunday wristband, you may leave the show and re-enter at any time during public show hours on Sunday.

Lost wristbands will not be replaced. Should you damage your wristband, bring it to the Will Call desk with your identification and we will confirm your purchase and replace it.

Yes, the wristband are water resistant and stronger than they appear. The wristband is your credential for admission to Planet Comicon Kansas City. Once attached, it cannot be removed. If you have a weekend admission, the wristband must be worn all days. It cannot be removed and reattached. A wristband that has been removed is void and not valid for admission.

Yes, as long as the new admission item price is higher than your existing purchase. Open your email receipt and click on “Upgrade”. When you select the promotion package, you can upgrade to the package by paying only the difference (plus taxes and fees).

No, admission for children 7 and under are FREE – limit of four(4) children age seven (7) and under for each paid adult.

  • We do offer a complimentary wristband upon request for children 7 and under at Will Call and the Box office (while supplies last).
  • Help us keep you and your family together. Stop at our Family Safety Station, just past Will Call.  You can take a photo of your child and fill out your name and phone number on their complimentary wristband.
  • We suggest for smaller children you write your name and phone number on the back before having them wear it.
  • Should you become separated, we can call you directly to reunite your family so you can continue to enjoy the show.

Yes, lockers will be available for a fee.

Yes, for your convenience there will be 2 Pop Up locations in the Convention Center;

Room 2215AB, just off the 2200 lobby entrance and another in Lobby 3500 across the bridge from the Exhibit Hall entrance.

You can click HERE for more information on our website.

Most comic book creator guests do not charge for autographs; however, some will charge a fee. It is at the discretion of the guest.  In an effort to keep the lines moving, many creators will place a limit on how many autographs will be given to a single individual at one time. After that time, they may begin to charge or ask that you get back in line. Be respectful of the guests and your fellow convention attendees. All media guests will be charging for their autographs. Prices for autographs and photo opportunities are at the guest’s discretion.

Planet Comicon Kansas City is dedicated to providing a safe and fun environment for all fans. Toward that goal, PCKC has adopted guidelines respecting the feelings and personal space of others.

Please respect everyone’s personal space. Do not touch, hug or make any sort of unwanted physical contact with any person, including guests, attendees, exhibitors, volunteers, contractors and staff, without the proper permissions. This policy has always been in place at Planet Comicon. Please be respectful of all persons at the show!

Please see PCKC’s Anti-harassment Standards Page for full policies and procedures.

POLICY – Strollers, Wagons, & Carts

In the interest of the safety and security of our attendees, guests and volunteers, Planet Comicon Kansas City is implementing some new guidelines and policies.

Please review before attending this year’s show, March 21-23, 2025.

  • All attendees must carry their items on their persons or store them in a locker at their expense.
  • Unattended personal items will be reported to security.
  • Dollies, hand trucks, trolleys, carts, wagons or anything collapsible or with wheels (with the exception of wheelchairs and strollers), will not be allowed on the Exhibit Floor during show hours.
  • Any attendees found on the exhibit floor with these items will be asked to leave the Exhibit Hall.
  • Standard size strollers used only as a conveyance for small children will be allowed on the Exhibit Floor.

Planet Comicon Kansas City Management is the final arbiter of what is permissible on the Exhibit Floor during show hours, as well as what is permissible and is not permissible through the convention space before, during and after public show hours.


Bring cash. Some vendors, artists, and celebrities cannot accept credit or debit cards. If you run short on cash, ATMs will be available in the exhibit hall. You will be able to use debit/credit cards for some things, including admission, concessions, and many (but not all) vendors.

NOTE: Not all vendors including Food will take cash. Some will be CASHLESS. Please be prepared for both options.

Yes, attendees will have access to multiple food and beverage options in the exhibit hall and near some of the panel rooms.


Yes, Planet Comicon has always welcomed costuming. See the Cosplay page for the most complete information about cosplay. Costume rules and costume contest information will also be posted to the web-site. More details about our costume contests will be published when the are finalized.

You can read our latest updates to our weapon and prop policy on its own page by clicking here.

We are a family-friendly show. Clothing and costumes should not exceed PG-rating standards. No nudity, profanity, or abusive content. Use common sense. Shoes must be worn at all times (no bare feet).

Planet Comicon Kansas City COVID-19 Statement:

Planet Comicon Kansas City comes with enhanced health, safety and hygiene procedures in place. Please note that any public location where people are present provides an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19. All persons present at PCKC, including but not limited to, attendees, guests, exhibitors, volunteers, contractors and staff voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.


The General admission entrance to Planet Comicon Kansas City is through the 2200 Lobby of Bartle Hall, which is located on 13th Street between Central and Broadway.  However, there are several lines, some which extend outside of the building.  Please see “There are several lines in one close area – what line should I get in?” above so you know which line to get in.

Exhibitors/Artists Alley

You can order fill out an application for Exhibitor space, including booth spaces, Artists Alley tables and Crafter tables online. We will notify you of status based on our current inventory/availability. See our Exhibitors page for more information. All information related to exhibitor space can be found there. Exhibitors include those wishing to exhibit in Artists Alley and Crafter Alley.

We try to list attending vendors on our website as the show approaches. See the Exhibitor Listing tab under the Exhibitor Button on the Nav Bar. They will also be listed in the Planet Comicon Kansas City mobile app. If there is a vendor you’d like to see at the show, let them know about us; tell them you’d like to see them come to Planet Comicon Kansas City.

See our Exhibitors page for more information. All information related to exhibitor space can be found there.


We encourage people of all ages to come enjoy Planet Comicon Kansas City. Comic books, cartoons, anime, video games and pop culture have appeal for all ages. However, in order to make Planet Comicon Kansas City a safe and enjoyable environment for all, we require that all attendees under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is a registered attendee of Planet Comicon Kansas City at all times (limit of four (4) 12 years and under youth/kids for each paid adult). Please direct all specific inquiries to the Will Call staff at the convention.

Our paging system is for show communications and emergency use only. We suggest you designate a meeting place once at the show, so if you are separated all family members will know where to find each other. Cell phones will work within the exhibition area and we encourage you to carry them.

For children 7 and under, we offer a complimentary wristband upon request at Will Call and the Box office (while supplies last). To help us keep you and your family together. We suggest you write your name and phone number on the back before having them wear it. Should you become separated, we can call you directly to reunite your family so you can continue to enjoy the show.


Gaming is an important part of Planet Comicon Kansas City. We will release more details on our gaming plans for Planet Comicon Kansas City as they are finalized. We will be having extensive options of tabletop gaming. We are looking in to having electronic gaming at the show, as well, however this has not been finalized.


Check the media guests, comic creators, and cosplay guest’s pages for information about a particular guests or attraction. We will post a chart of autograph and photo opportunity pricing as the show approaches. Also, checkout out the information on availability of autographs and photo opportunities and an explanation of the types of photo opportunities available.


Planet Comicon Kansas City is dedicated to providing a safe and fun environment for all fans. Toward that goal we have adopted guidelines for respecting the feelings and personal space of others. Please see the Anti-harassment Standards page for our policies and procedures. To report harassment please find the nearest Planet Comicon Kansas City volunteer or security personnel. They will direct you to an information desk or security center. If you feel your safety or the safety of others is in jeopardy please contact the Kansas City Police Department at 911 if there is an emergency. For your own safety, if you feel that you are being harassed in a non-emergency situation please report your problems to us before anyone else. If you cannot find a staff, crew, or volunteer member to assist you, please go to the information desks located near registration or just inside the entrance of the exhibition floor. Please report to us before taking matters into your own hands (such as personally confronting the aggressor or posting on social media). We have professional security on site and they are properly equipped for these contingencies.


There are plenty of hotel rooms available in the Kansas City area. Planet Comicon Kansas City has booked blocks of rooms at several hotels that are available at preferred rates. For the most complete information about rooms available in our hotel blocks, please go to our Hotels page.

We look forward to welcoming you to Planet Comicon Kansas City!


Planet Comicon will be held at Bartle Hall, which is part of the Kansas City Convention Center, 301 West 13th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64105. This is located in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Planet Comicon Kansas City will occupy Halls A-E of the Bartle Hall, as well as many of the building’s meeting spaces, such as the Grand Ballroom and the Great Hall. See the When & Where page of our Planet Comicon Kansas City site, at the following link, which will also have a map of the convention added at some point before the show.


Other Questions

If you didn’t find an answer to your question, contact us at questions@planetcomicon.com. We will do our best to respond quickly. Questions that are asked frequently, will be added to this page.


There are a wide variety of parking garages and lots in downtown Kansas City. You should be prepared to pay for parking. See the Parking page for a detailed map of downtown parking options. We will be adding information on parking options as the show approaches You can reserve parking in advance at select municipal garages. Find out more and reserve your parking spot here.

Pets/Service Animals

No. Only service animals are allowed in the venue.


Most guests will be available for photograph opportunities with fans. With comic creator celebrities most will be available at their table or booth for photos with no fee. Some may charge a small fee. It is up to the individual creator. As to media celebrities, all will offer photograph opportunities with fans. Some will only do “professional photo op” using the professional photographer who will be on site. Others will offer the opportunity for “selfies” at their booth with the fans camera (which we refer to as “table photo ops”). Many will offer both. There are generally fees for ALL photo opportunities, whether professional or selfies, with celebrity guests. Each celebrity guest sets their own rules.

Yes, however, there are some rules. Please use common sense. If someone doesn’t want their picture taken or put on video, please respect their wishes. The same holds true for our guests. They are our guests, and have a right to their privacy, so be nice. Many of our vendors in the Dealer’s Room don’t like to have people take pictures of their set ups, so be sure to ask first. And some of our guests charge for photos, so be sure to ask first! Basically, the answer is, Ask First! Remember, trying to take a picture of one of our guests from a distance may seem harmless to you, but they may not want you to do it. Also, when taking pictures of people in costume, or your friends, please be sure to angle yourselves so that you are not taking a picture across an aisle. When you do that, everyone has to stop and wait for you to take the picture. If you move so that you are both on the same side of the aisle and take the picture in the direction of traffic flow, then people can move past you and you don’t stop the flow of traffic. Filming is prohibited during any film screenings and some panels. Announcements will be made at the beginning of each panel as to whether filming of a particular panel is allowed. Generally filming is allowed of all panels except some panels which include certain celebrity guests who have requested that their panel not be filmed. We do reserve the right to limit filming of an event based on a specific guest’s wishes. If you do take some great pictures and video (when allowed), let us know. Send us a copy and we’ll put it on our website for the world to see.

In addition, we do not allow any kind of individual or group set ups or Sessions on the floor for photography without express written permission from the Show. This also includes all areas of the conventions center. If you are charging for photos in anyway, you will be asked to leave the premises. In addition, we do not allow the use of tripods, lights, etc on the floor or in the building. This includes anything that is not already attached to your camera. If you are interested in setting up a photography station, please email exhibitors@planetcomicon.com to inquire as to purchasing space on the floor or in the building.

: While we encourage fans to take photographs in almost every area of the convention, we do not allow general photography in Celebrity Row without specific permission of the particular celebrity you wish to photograph. For instance, there is no photography of a celebrity sitting at their table taken when you are in the aisle 20’ away. In the Celebrity Row area of the Exhibit Hall, please do not take photographs of celebrities without specific and express permission of that celebrity. This includes both still and video photography.



Yes! We have an extensive selection of programming, with many tracks of programming happening all day long. There will be celebrity panels which will include most media celebrities attending the show. There will be creator panels including many of the attending creators. There will be cosplay and prop building panels, as well as other offerings. We will post the panel programming schedule 4 to 8 weeks prior to the show.

Most of the events at Planet Comicon are included with your general admission ticket. There are a very few workshops or special events that may require an additional fee. Any events that require an additional fee will be clearly marked on the schedule and event announcements.

We accept programming applications from guests, artists, vendors, and the public. You may use this form to submit a proposal for a panel. We receive more programming applications than can fit in our schedule. Once the application period closes, our programming committee will review all applications to determine which events will be added to our schedule. Programming content is subject to approval by the convention.