Autograph Price: Signatures, no set rate, asks that people make a donation to Hero Initiative.

Photo Op Price: TBD

Table Selfie Price: TBD

Other Pricing: 8.5x11 sketches, $100

Booth Location: TBD

Show Availabilty: Saturday, Sunday

TIM SEELEY is one of those “slash” people…a writer-slash-artist. He has drawn a number of different comic book series including G.I JOE, HALLOWEEN, WILDCATS and ANT-MAN & WASP. His writing work includes NIGHTWING, MONEY SHOT, SUPERMAN vs. LOBO, the critically acclaimed REVIVAL,  and the NY TIMES bestselling HACK/SLASH.  He resides in Chicago, Illinois with his wife, daughter and 80s action figure collection.


  • Signatures, no set rate, asks that people make a donation to Hero Initiative.
  • 8.5×11 sketches, $100

PLEASE NOTE – Tim will be at Planet Saturday and Sunday ONLY.