Autograph Price: TBD
Photo Op Price: N/A
Table Selfie Price: TBD
Other Pricing: Check table for pricing
Booth Location: #1127
Show Availabilty: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Prices Subject to Change
Ryan Kincaid is currently a cover artist in the industry. His most current work with DC comics, Dynamite, Absolute comics group, IDW, Aspen, and many more. Working on titles such as Batman/Superman, Vampirella, White Widow, Fathom, Soulfire, Lola XOXO, TMNT, Dick Tracy just to name a few.
He is also the creator, cover artist, writer, and interior artist for his self published hit Persuasion. most known for his con commissions and various shows, Ryan brings the fun back into the artist alley. Having 2 largely successful Kickstarter campaigns along with multiple creations for other campaigns, you can find his work on just about everything.