Autograph Price: TBD

Photo Op Price: TBD

Table Selfie Price: TBD

Other Pricing: TBD

Booth Location: #143

Show Availabilty: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

New Jersey native Reilly Brown is a top-selling comic artist and writer for DC Comics, Marvel Comics and Line Webtoon. He’s known for bringing a sense of character and personality to the projects that he works on, balancing a combination of light-hearted humor with fast paced superhero action.Best known for his work on several DEADPOOL titles, Reilly has also lent his talents to series such as BATMAN/FORTNITE: ZERO POINT and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN among others, as well as creator-owned comics like POWER PLAY, OUTRAGE, and THUNDER GUARDIAN. Reilly currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and two children.

Reilly will be appearing at the Hero Initiative Table all weekend.