Masquerade Parade


One of the most popular events at Planet Comicon Kansas City is the celebration of cosplay and creativity known as the Masquerade Parade! If you could not, or did not want to be in the Cosplay Contest, but you have a cosplay that you feel needs to be seen, you still have the opportunity to “strut your stuff” on the big stage!

The Masquerade Parade is always  a lot of fun and the crowd is appreciative! Come bring your friends and ask them to cheer you on! Better yet, if they are in costume have them walk the stage with you too! No judges, no prizes, just a fun opportunity to show us your cosplay spirit! 

This year the masquerade parade will be held in Hall 2103A in the Convention Center and will Kick-Off the Friday Night Rave.  Signups will start at 8:30 PM at a table near the stage. The show starts at 9:00 PM. Be sure to read more about the Friday Night Rave in the Planet After Dark listings under things to do!