Autograph Price: TBD

Photo Op Price: TBD

Table Selfie Price: TBD

Other Pricing: TBD

Booth Location: #116

Show Availabilty: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

JP Roth is an American novelist and owner of Rothic Comics, which she founded in 2012. Through Rothic, she has produced and published five original comic series. Notable, artists that have contributed to her work:
J. Scott Campbell, Eric ‘E Bas’ Basaldua, Mike Krome, Sabine Rich, Nei Ruffino, Paolo Pantalena, Dawn McTeigue, and Ale Garza.

JP Roth is represented by Stephanie Hansen, author, and owner of Metamorphosis Literary Agency.

JP Roth’s current series available through Diamond Previews include: Ancient Dreams, Southern Nightgown, REM 8, Theory of Magic & Divinica

Born overseas, she spent much of her life traveling the world, but now prefers the tranquility of home in California, where she lives with her son and their playful Bichon dogs. Roth enjoys writing while wrapped in a cozy blanket with a cup of tea at hand. She has published five novels through Black Rose Writing and Satin Romance, with her latest work, Divinica, set for release in fall 2025 with City Owl Press.