Autograph Price: Signatures - free with donation to Hero Initiative, Witnessed signatures - $20

Photo Op Price: TBD

Table Selfie Price: TBD

Other Pricing: 9x12 pencil head sketch, $160 

Booth Location: TBD

Show Availabilty: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez was born in Spain and began drawing comics professionally in Argentina at age 13. In the 1960s, he drew romance titles for Charlton Comics.

Garcia-Lopez came to the U.S. in 1974 and started working for DC Comics, drawing series such as Superman, Batman, Hawkman, Tarzan, and Jonah Hex. His other notable work includes Atari Force, Deadman, New Teen Titans, and On The Road to Perdition. Since 1982, Garcia-Lopez has designed and penciled the definitive versions of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and many other characters for various DC Comics style guides, which are created for licensees only. His style guide art has been seen on countless DC Comics licensed products and is still being used today.

Signatures free with donation to Hero Initiative

Witnessed signatures, $20

9×12 pencil head sketch, $160