Autograph Price: $30 for raw Signatures, $50 - witness/graded
Photo Op Price: TBD
Table Selfie Price: TBD
Other Pricing: TBD
Booth Location: 3707/3708
Show Availabilty: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Prices Subject to Change
Joe Quesada is the C.E.O. and Chief Creative Officer of Amazing Comics, his independent comic company, where he continues a legacy of transformative storytelling in the comic book industry. Widely recognized as one of his generation’s best sequential storytellers and cover artists, Joe co-founded Event Comics and launched Marvel Knights in 1998 with his creative partner, Jimmy Palmiotti. His work revitalized Marvel Comics, helping to rescue the company from bankruptcy with mature, character-driven stories that set a new standard. His success with Marvel Knights led to his roles as Editor-in-Chief and later Chief Creative Officer, where he guided Marvel’s resurgence and expanded its universe across film, television, and animation with projects like A.B.C.’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Netflix’s Daredevil.
Throughout his career, Joe has earned numerous accolades, including a Peabody, an Emmy, a Harvey, a Ringo, a Saturn, and a Webby, as well as the 2021 Hero Initiative Lifetime Achievement Award. After 24 years with Marvel, Joe departed in 2022 to pursue new ventures, signing a first-look deal with Amazon Studios and launching his popular Substack newsletter, “Joe Quesada’s Drawing The Line Somewhere.” Now, with Amazing Comics and his latest creator-owned project, Disciple, Joe continues to create impactful stories driven by his lifelong passion for storytelling.
$100 package4 autos1 print$200 witnessed4 autos1 print$300 Remarqued* (only on comics….can’t be done on a blank)
4 autos1 print500 sketch* @@4 autos1 printSelfies can be done with whoever asks.$300 and $400 packages will get preferential seating at joes panel*Graded add $80