Autograph Price: TBD
Photo Op Price: TBD
Table Selfie Price: TBD
Other Pricing: TBD
Booth Location: TBD
Show Availabilty: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Bruce Holt, Owner, Forged in Foam Cosplay
Bruce has created and built costumes for decades, also loves sharing his knowledge with the Cosplay community. Bruce feels everyone has a creative and artistic talent and enjoys interacting with them to develop, and expand on their cosplay costumes. He gets so excited when fellow costume creators and cosplayers bring their end results to his Booth or to his social media to show off all their work.
A quote from.” [Jeremy Bird, The Figmentation Foundation President and Founder]
“I only know, personally, a few people in this world that have the understanding of what it takes to develop creativity out of a hat! Bruce is one of those people. That is why I have chosen Bruce Holt to be the Head of our Creative Council/Board for The Figmentation Foundation. His tremendous skill is invaluable to us”
www.figmentation.org / https://facebook.com/figmentationfoundation