Epic D&D Tournament at PCKC!

Join us Sunday August 22nd for Planet Comicon’s first ever Epic Adventurers League game, sponsored by ReRoll
Tavern and Mindgames and Magic!
Pirates! Dastardly ne’er-do-wells have been spotted just outside of the harbor! Not content with scratching a living off of the
rich port city’s scraps, pirates are making for the city by land and sea. But Port Nyanzaru is far from defenseless; pick up a
yklwah, climb aboard a dinosaur, or man the wall; but whatever you do, don’t let those rapscallions into the city!
Join us Sunday, August 22nd for Planet Comicon’s first ever Epic Adventurers League game, sponsored by ReRoll Tavern
and Mindgames and Magic! This event is open to any AL Characters from level 1 through 10, and will encompass twenty-four
tables working in tandem to complete the quest objectives. This is a Charity Epic Game, as detailed further below.
This event will be held in Bartle Hall in the Planet Comicon convention floor’s game room and can accommodate up to 168
Players at once! We will provide dice, miniatures, maps, character sheets, pencils and anything else you might need, even
pre-made Level 1 characters ready to jump into the action for the Tier-1 Tables. All we need is you!
There will be twelve Tier-1 Tables (limit 7 players each), and twelve Tier-2 Tables (limit 7 players each). All players must use
Adventurers League legal characters to participate in the Epic, either their own or a pre-generated level 1 character.
Player sign-in begins at noon, with games starting firmly at 1:00pm. Since this is a timed event, players not seated by 1:00pm
will not be able to participate in the Event. This will be a three hour game.
Tickets for this event are available for Free so you can reserve your spot. There is no cost to participate, however players will
need a badge to the convention in order to enter Bartle Hall and join the Epic. Walk-in players without event tickets are
welcome to play, with seating preference given to players who registered in advance and have a ticket. Any player who has
not claimed their ticketed seat by 12:45pm is subject to having their seat given to a walk-in player.
This is a Charity Epic Game, as such you will have the opportunity to support Extra Life by playing in this Epic! Players are
permitted to purchase ReRolls for their d20s during the event for a $1 donation. Further, a player may donate $20 to place
their dice with the 20 facing up, and count it as a Natural 20. 100% of the proceeds from ReRoll donations goes directly to
Extra Life!
A charity ReRoll does not grant advantage and does not negate disadvantage (it’s just a ReRoll and we’re not creating new
rules!), but a player can ReRoll that d20 as long as they keep donating. Any player or spectator can purchase a ReRoll for
any other player, so long as the d20 roll does not result in a negative experience, such as forcing a character to fail a saving
throw, getting that character killed/rendered unconscious, and so on. Players can do this as many times as they desire on a
player’s d20 roll. Dungeon Masters will not be allowed to purchase rerolls for their NPCs.
You can register for this one of a kind event and reserve your seat with a ticket at this link:
Planet Comicon adheres to the Wizards of the Coast Player Code of Conduct. We
would like to thank all of our players in advance for helping nurture a positive environment for gaming.