Upon the recommendation of KCPD, and with the support of the KC Convention Center, the following streets will be closed beginning at approximately 7:30pm on Thursday, March 20 through 10am on Monday, March 24.
- 13th St between Wyandotte and Broadway
- Central St north of 14th to 12th St.
- There are also lane closures on Central at 16th, and all traffic taking the Central St Exit off of 670 will be required to turn north. Friday-Sun.
- The south lane of 12 St, west of Central, will be a drop off point for the Park and Ride Shuttle.
- An ADA drop off point for both groups, has been designated at 13th and Wyandotte
- Ride sharing services have been asked to use Wyandotte, south of 16th as a drop off and pick up point to avoid closures.