Celebrity Row

Celebrity Row
Every year Planet Comicon Kansas City brings in some of the brightest stars from movies, television, anime, gaming and wrestling, both screen actors and voice actors. PCKC provides a unique opportunity to meet in person those people you have seen and heard on the big and small screens. Celebrity Row, which is located at the south end of the exhibit hall, is where these celebrity guests are gathered. There is no general photography allowed in this area and no pictures may be taken of any celebrity without the express consent of the particular celebrity. General photography is allowed and encouraged in other areas of the exhibit hall.
Each celebrity has a booth and you may wander Celebrity Row and see each celebrity, in person, at their booth. Guests will sign autographs and most will pose for “selfies” with the fan, using the fan’s own camera (usually a mobile phone). There is a fee for both autographs and “selfies”. Prices are set by each celebrity and vary from celebrity to celebrity. These prices are, for the most part, listed on the individual guest pages on this web-site. Pricing will also be available at each celebrity booth. Each celebrity will have one or more assistants at their booth and you can ask those assistants for prices and policies. You must pay each celebrity separately for their autographs and selfies. Most celebrities will accept credit cards. Some may not. It is always recommended to have cash available for purchases. ATMs will be available at the venue, though they can run low on cash on a busy day. Celebrities will have a selection of photos to autograph, and will also sign fan-provided items, with the caveat that a celebrity has the option not to sign a given item at their discretion (this very rarely happens).
Schedules for autograph times will be posted. Some celebrities will be at their booths during most open hours of the event. Others will have specific, and limited, signing hours. Signing schedules will be posted at each booth and will be available in the PCKC App and on the web-site. NOTE: Some celebrities appear on only certain days. Please check the appearance days for the celebrity or celebrities you wish to meet so you are not disappointed by attending on a day that a particular you wish to meet celebrity does not appear.
PCKC also offers professional photo opportunities with celebrities. The Professional Photo Ops area is located just south of Celebrity Row. All offered Professional photo ops are listed at and may be purchased in advance at the following link or may be purchased at the show at the Professional Photo Ops booth using either cash or a credit card. You may wait on these purchases until you are at the show if you wish. You can even purchase them at the event using your phone if lines are long at the sales booth.
More information regarding the operation of the celebrity area, and, in particular, the purchase of autographs and photo ops, may be found at the Autograph and Photo Op info page here.