Autograph Price: $50
Photo Op Price: $65
Table Selfie Price: $40
Other Pricing: Combo Autograph/Selfie/Video - $100
Booth Location: TBD
Show Availabilty: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Prices Subject to Change
Kathleen Herles is an Peruvian-American Actress, born in New York, to immigrant parents from Lima, Peru. She began her career as a child actress, starring as the original voice of ‘Dora’, on Dora the Explorer (1997 -2008). She continued her role as ‘Dora’ on, Go, Diego Go! (2005). In lending her voice as the original Dora worldwide for over a decade, she can be seen and heard in academy award nominated films such as , ‘Room,’ starring Brie Larsen., and has made several appearances, as herself, on Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow.
Kathleen’s voice has been recognized as one of the most captivating and iconic bilingual voices on television. She has been recognized and nominated for several awards by the NAACP and many more.
Kathleen is honored to announce her return in the new reboot, DORA,as Mami, Dora’s mother. She is grateful for the enduringlegacy of the show that marked her journey more than two decades ago. Kathleen is thrilled to embark on a full-time career in voiceover, eagerly anticipating the possibilities that lie ahead!